Addressing Loneliness One Meal At A Time

People crave connection, now more than ever. For reasons big and small – the influences of social media, moves to a new city, break-ups, work-from-home, constant use of earbuds/headphones, retirement, etc. – millions are feeling lonely and isolated, despite proximity to so many and so much.

The issue is so severe, in fact, that the U.S. Surgeon General recently referred to it as an epidemic with deadly implications. Statistically, “loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% and 29% respectively. More broadly, lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.”

Yet, no one seems to know how to solve the problem. It’s as if we’ve either collectively forgotten how to be social and communicate with others in person, or have so much anxiety about doing so that we’ve resigned ourselves to a world of somewhat limited interaction.

SIXTOP is changing this, one meal at a time.

By organizing communal dining tables for neighbors at high-quality restaurants, SIXTOP makes effortless to be social and develop new friendships locally. 

SIXTOP offers a perfect, low-pressure way to meet new people that live nearby, while enjoying great food, with no work – whether out alone or with a friend, partner, or spouse. Food’s universal. There’s no swiping or profiles to deal with. And, the party size is just right.

Simply join SIXTOP for the price of a latte; reserve 1-2 spaces at any dining tables of interest; then, connect with fellow members at your table over a great meal. It’s that easy.

And, you never know who you might meet and/or connect with, because SIXTOP’s tables are open to any and all members from a given community, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, interest, personal preferences, occupation, etc. 

It’s a simple, yet radical, approach to breaking down social walls, community-by-community and meal-by-meal, bringing life to Anthony Bourdain’s, “You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.”

We look forward to seeing you at a table soon.


Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community


A Personal Solution To A National Problem